In order to get used to the thin mountain air, I decided to spend some time (3rd - 7th July) at Lauras place in the swiss-alps: the city of Davos.
As I had done the last hard training-sessions before Junior World-Champs (including Schlossberg-intervals, a track-sesssion (3x 1000m in 2:54, 2:52 and
2:50 with 8' break in between) and O-intervals) the days before my journey, I spend quite a lot of time on relaxing and enjoying a lot of free time after
tough last weeks at university.
In addition to that, I did some orienteering in lovely alpine forests (thanks to Laura and Philipp), played an intens unihockey-game and ran some last
200m tapering intervals. Last but not least I enjoyed the swiss hospitality and could join a barbecue dinner at Lake Davos:

I really enjoyed those four days and feel ready for the following championships! Follow JWOC live here!

Text by Mathias Peter.